All Card Carnival solutions in Costa del Sol in FF7 Rebirth

All Card Carnival solutions in Costa del Sol in FF7 Rebirth

Card Carnival is a spin on Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s Queen’s Blood card game. You’ll play it in Costa del Dol during chapter 6, while trying to earn companion cards to exchange for a swimsuit for Cloud.

Card Carnival isn’t your standard version of Queen’s Blood. You don’t use one of your customized decks, and are instead handed a predetermined set of cards. There are no turns either — you simply have to place the right cards in the right positions to outscore an opponent whose cards have already been positioned.


Here are the solutions to all six puzzles of the Card Carnival challenge in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, plus the prizes you’ll win for each one.

Card Carnival challenge round 1 puzzle solution

A graphic shows the solution to the first Card Carnival challenge in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Graphic: Polygon | Source images: Square Enix via Polygon

The first Card Carnival challenge, “Three-Card Stud,” pits you against an opponent with one point in the top row, two points in the middle row, and four points in the bottom row. Focus on outscoring them in the top in middle rows.

  1. Place the Fleetwing card on the middle square of the bottom row.
  2. That should buff the furthest left square of the top row to have two pegs. Place the Mu card there.
  3. The center-left square of the middle row should have two pegs now because of your Mu card. Place the Quetzalcoatl card there and end the match to win 5–4.

You’ll earn the Fleetwing card for use in your personal collection after winning this round of Card Carnival.

Card Carnival challenge round 2 puzzle solution

A graphic shows the solution to the second Card Carnival challenge in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Graphic: Polygon | Source images: Square Enix via Polygon

The second Card Carnival challenge, “Go for Choco-Broke,” pits you against an opponent with nine points in the top row, seven points in the middle row, and nine points in the bottom row. Focus on putting all of your points in the bottom row.

  1. The furthest left square of the bottom row is the only location with three pegs. Place the Fat Chocobo card there.
  2. Place the Posh Chocobo card on the middle square of the bottom row.
  3. Place the Chocobo & Moogle card on the center-left square of the bottom row, which should now have a peg on it from your Posh Chocobo card, then end the match. You should win 17–16 thanks to the Posh Chocobo card’s ability, which buffs any lane you’re winning by an additional 3 points.

You’ll earn the Posh Chocobo card for use in your personal collection after winning this round of Card Carnival.

Card Carnival challenge round 3 puzzle solution

A graphic shows the solution to the third Card Carnival challenge in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Graphic: Polygon | Source images: Square Enix via Polygon

The third Card Carnival challenge, “Mischief-Making Moogles,” pits you against an opponent with six points in the top row, four points in the middle row, and four points in the bottom row. Use your Moogle Trio card to expand your hand and win the bottom two rows.

  1. Place the Fleetwing card on the center-left square of the middle row. This will create pegs on the furthest left squares of the top and bottom rows.
  2. Place the Moogle Trio card on the furthest left square of the middle row, which will add pegs to the center-left squares of the top and bottom rows. This will also add the Moogle Mage and Moogle Bard cards to your hand.
  3. Place the Moogle Mage card on the center-left square of the bottom row, destroying the opposing Cactaur card.
  4. Place the Moogle Bard card on the furthest left square of the top row, adding 2 power each to your Fleetwing and Moogle Mage cards.
  5. Place the Grasslands Wolf card on the furthest left square of the bottom row, then end the match to win 11–6.

You’ll earn the Moogle Trio card for use in your personal collection after winning this round of Card Carnival. You’ll also get one companion card for Cloud.

Card Carnival challenge round 4 puzzle solution

A graphic shows the solution to the fourth round of Card Carnival in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Graphic: Polygon | Source images: Square Enix via Polygon

The fourth Card Carnival challenge, “Spears and Needles,” pits you against an opponent with six points in the top row, two points in the middle row, and seven points in the bottom row. To win, you’ll need to use Spearhawk and Cactuar cards to buff your score in the bottom row.

  1. Place your first Spearhawk card in the middle square of the top row.
  2. Place your second Spearhawk card in the middle square of the middle row.
  3. Place your Cactuar card in the center-left square of the top row.
  4. Place your Quetzalcoatl card in the middle square of the bottom row, then end the match to win 11–6.

You’ll earn the Spearhawk card for use in your personal collection after winning this round of Card Carnival.

Card Carnival challenge round 5 puzzle solution

A graphic shows the solution to the fifth round of Card Carnival in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Graphic: Polygon | Source images: Square Enix via Polygon

The fifth Card Carnival challenge, “Sea Devil by Night,” pits you against an opponent with eight points in the top row, five points in the middle row, and four points in the bottom row. To win, you’ll need to sacrifice low-power cards to buff your Sea Devil cards.

  1. Place your Security Officer card on the center-left square of the bottom row. That space has a -1 power buff, which will destroy your Security Officer. Don’t worry — that’s part of the solution.
  2. Place a Sea Devil card on the center-left square of the middle row.
  3. Place a Sea Devil card on the left square of the bottom row.
  4. Place a Mandragora card on the left square of the middle row.
  5. Keep placing your remaining three cards — one Mandragora and two Mandragora Minions — on the center-left square of the bottom row. They’ll get destroyed every time you place them, but each placement will increase the power of your two Sea Devil cards. Once your middle-row Sea Devil is at 6 power and your bottom-row Sea Devil is at 5 power, end the match to win 12–8.

You’ll earn the Sea Devil card for use in your personal collection after winning this round of Card Carnival.

Card Carnival challenge round 6 puzzle solution

A graphic shows the solution to the sixth round of Card Carnival in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Graphic: Polygon | Source images: Square Enix via Polygon

The sixth Card Carnival challenge, “A Kingly Clash,” pits you against an opponent with seven points in the top and bottom rows and 13 in the middle row. You’ll start with three points in the top and bottom rows and four in the middle. To win, you’ll need to destroy your cards to boost the power of your Tonberry King card for an overwhelming point total in the middle lane.

  1. Place your first Zu card on the center-left square of the top row.
  2. Place your second Zu card on the center-left square of the bottom row.
  3. Place your Tonberry King card on the center square of the middle row.
  4. Place your Mindflayer card on the left square of the middle row. This will weaken both of your Zu cards.
  5. Place your first Deathwheel card on the left square of the top row. This will destroy the Zu and Flame Trooper cards on the bottom row, and the Deathwheel you just placed; all three cards will increase the power of your Tonberry King.
  6. Place your second Deathwheel card on the left square of the bottom row. This will destroy the Zu and Flame Trooper cards on the top row, the Elphadunk card in the middle row, and the Deathwheel you just placed; all four cards will increase the power of your Tonberry King. End the match to win 16–14.

You’ll earn the Tonberry King card for use in your personal collection after winning this round of Card Carnival.

For more help in the Costa del Sol region, see our guides on where to find all ziplines, where to find all Cactuar stickers, which swimsuit to pick, and where to find the Tonberry King.

If you need more nitty gritty Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth guides, here’s a list of Queen’s Blood cards and a rundown of side activity rewards.