How to get Exotic class items from ‘Dual Destiny’ in Destiny 2: The Final Shape

How to get Exotic class items from ‘Dual Destiny’ in Destiny 2: The Final Shape

The Exotic class items are three of the most powerful Exotics in Destiny 2: The Final Shape. These unique Exotics are able to randomly roll two Exotic perks that typically belong to other Exotic armor pieces, allowing you to combine effects for the first time.

In this Exotic class items guide, I’ll walk you through how to unlock the “Dual Destiny” Exotic mission so you can start farming for your own randomly rolled Exotics.

How to unlock the ‘Dual Destiny’ mission in Destiny 2: The Final Shape

Image: Bungie via Polygon

To unlock “Dual Destiny,” you need to do a puzzle for Savathun in The Pale Heart. The trick here is that there is no quest to pick up or real suggestion that there’s a hidden mission at all. You need to know exactly what to do and where to go with this mission to unlock it.

First, you need to group up in a party, as it seems like players aren’t able to unlock the quest alone. Then, successfully finish a run in Overthrow. Start in whatever location you’d like and do the entire thing. Once you defeat the boss, the game will say the area is “at peace” and give you a short timer before Overthrow starts back up. During this window, a Lucent Wizard will spawn somewhere in the area. You need to kill this Lucent Wizard in all three Overthrow zones in order to progress this secret quest.

These Wizards aren’t exactly hiding, so you can find them on your own if you’d like. But here’s where you can locate each, starting with The Landing:

  • Head to The Landing first and clear the Overthrow. While you’re at peace, head south and into the cave near where The Forgotten Deep Lost Sector is. Wait around and the Wizard will spawn. Shoot the crystals to break its shield, kill it, and crush its Ghost. You’ll get a prompt that says a “Secret-Keeper of the Witch Queen is vanquished!” Once you see that, move on to The Bloom.
  • Complete another Overthrow and then hop on your Sparrow once you’re at peace. Head to the right side of The Bloom, but don’t follow the cave that leads to The Seclusion. Instead, look for a back path that goes behind the mountain on your right. You’ll find the next Secret-Keeper here. Kill its enemies and do the mechanic prompt so you can destroy the Wizard. Crush the Ghost and you’ll get another notification.
  • Finally, head to The Impasse. Clear Overthrow here and then head southwest to the elevated area in the rocks — if you hit the Lost Sector, you’ve gone too far. You’ll find the final Secret-Keeper here. Kill it like you did the others.

Now, travel back to The Landing. Once you load, look into the sky, toward The Blooming. You’ll see a big green light in the sky. Follow it through The Refraction. Eventually, you’ll come across Savathun’s Chrysalis from Season of the Lost. You’ll hear The Witch Queen cackle and two objective markers will appear behind you. You’ll have a short timer here, but it’s plenty to do what needs to be done.

Head back the way you came, over by where Ikora’s ship crashed. Defeat the enemies here until a Subjugator spawns. Damage the Subjugator until it drops either a Light or Dark ball. Pick up the ball and head over to Savathun to dunk it in either the Light or Dark receptacle — whichever matches the kind of ball you have. Ideally, your Fireteam members should be taking on the other Subjugator — which spawns in the same area under the other Crux — and getting the other ball while you do this.

Image: Bungie via Polygon

Once you and your squad have dunked both balls by Savathun, she’ll invite you to participate in an Exotic mission: Dual Destiny.” This is a two player only mission, so if you have a third in your Fireteam, you’ll need to kick them out before you play.

One final tip if you did this in a Fireteam of three. Only the Fireteam members who dunked balls will be able to launch the “Dual Destiny” Exotic mission from their map — as in they won’t need to unlock the quest again. The third wheel will technically need to unlock it on their own. However, if you kick one of your teammates who did dunk a ball and launch the mission with the third wheel, they’ll also gain permanent access to the mission.

‘Dual Destiny’ walkthrough

“Dual Destiny” is a secret mission in the veins of “The Whisper” or “Zero Hour.” There’s a few unique elements before we start:

  • You can only play it in a Fireteam of two — no more and no less.
  • You also won’t be able to start the mission until you and your Fireteam member have opposing subclasses, i.e one Light and one Dark. Prismatic counts for both.
  • Finally, before you get started, make sure to set aside about 45 minutes for your first time through. When you know what you’re doing, you can get that down to about 20 to 25 minutes.

When you start the mission, you’ll be either Light Aligned or Dark Aligned, depending on your subclass. Your ally will have the opposite alignment.

Image: Bungie via Polygon

You’ll see two plates ahead of you, one glowing with Light and the other with Darkness. Hop on the plate that fits your alignment and have your ally do the same. When you’re both situated, the barrier ahead will drop and you’ll see a six minute timer appear alongside a single objective: escape.

Heed the mission’s warning and make a run for it, through the caves, up the rocks, and out into The Pale Heart. Work through the enemies and the Cruxs until you find yourself in the crystal cave from the third campaign mission. You’ll find another set of glowing plates here, with Light on the right and Dark on the left. Split up, step on your plates, and continue on once the barrier drops.

Continue deeper into the cave to reach the first encounter.

Part 1: How to read and shoot symbols

Drop a Rally flag and run forward. You’ll see a Dark plate on the crystal building above you. The Light plate is below. Split up and head to your respective plates. You’ll add 10 minutes to your timer when you start.

When you’re both in position, enemies will start to spawn. After a wave or so, you’ll each encounter an enemy that matches your alignment and glows with either Light or Dark. For the Dark player, it’ll be a Taken Knight, while the Light players will get a Taken Centurion. You’re only able to damage the enemy that matches your alignment, so there’s no use running up to help your friend.

Image: Bungie via Polygon

When you kill your alignment boss, it’ll drop a mote on the ground — also Light or Dark, depending on the enemy. This is one out of two motes each of you can collect in this phase. Holding this mote allows you to see things in the environment that weren’t there before. For the Light players, you’ll be able to see some symbols floating above a box. For the Dark player, you’ll be able to see a lot of floating crystals in the air that also have symbols on them.

Don’t do anything just yet. First, max out your mote counter, which you can see on the left side of your screen. To do this, keep killing enemies until your aligned boss spawns again. Once it shows up, kill it, and grab its mote. As long as you’re both full on motes, it’s time to get out of here. As the Light player, read off the symbols you have on the chests, in order from left to right. As the Dark player, listen for the callouts and shoot the crystals that have the matching symbols your ally just called. You must do this in order from left to right or you’ll fail.

Image: Bungie via Polygon

You’ll know you’re making progress here because you’ll get prompts on the left side of your screen. If you get a pair right, it’ll say “Paracausal energy gathers around you …” and if you finish the sequence you’ll get “Paracausal energy tears through you!

When you succeed, you’ll get teleported to another arena. If you mess up, you’ll lose your motes and need to start again.

There are two more rooms in this encounter. The third room swaps your roles and adds a third mote. So now the Light player will be shooting crystals that the Dark will read symbols. The third room swaps the roles back to how they were in the first, the only difference is you’ll need to get a fourth mote each.

Image: Bungie via Polygon

When the encounter ends, you’ll add six minutes to your timer and will need to do a bit of jumping. Follow the path — the lights lead the way, as usual — and watch out for the flying Grim enemies, as they’ll slowly shoot at you while you run. Keep going until you reach another set of plates. Here, you’ll need to climb the spire and occasionally swap sides with your ally as you go, stepping on plates along the way. Each time you successfully step on as a group, the room will change and reveal your next path, so keep an eye open for new places to jump.

When you reach the top, get ready for another encounter.

Part 2: How to disable the Crux

This encounter is a bit of a puzzle, but it is very quick if you know what you’re doing. Rally at the flag and take position on your plate. You’ll add 10 more minutes to your time.

When the encounter begins, a ton of enemies will spawn in the arena. You’ll also see three Crux show up in the front of the room: one left, one right, and one middle. The middle Crux will have multiple smaller Crux floating in front of it, with some connected to each other via dark lines, and some floating alone. This is your key to getting out of here.

The trick is that you and your ally see different things. Some of the Crux that are connected with lines for you aren’t for them. And some that they see as blank, you’ll see with lines. However, three of the Crux will be the same for both of you, and those are the ones you want to shoot.

Image: Bungie via Polygon

However, there is one more thing. In order to shoot these Crux, you need to have a special buff on you called Harmonic Sundering. To get Harmonic Sunder, you need to deal the killing blow on the Tormentor that spawns in the middle of the room after you kill a bunch of enemies.

Kill the Tormentor to get the buff. You now have 30 seconds to identify and shoot the correct Crux with your ally. Have your non-buffed friend read left to right what they see, saying “Dark” for ones with lines and “Light” for ones without. With the buff, go left to right and shoot a Crux if they call out the same thing you see.

Once you shoot the three matching Crux with Harmonic Sundering, you’ll destroy the big Crux on either side. Do this two more times to end the fight.

When the fight ends, you’ll get six more minutes and the door will open. Head through and follow the tree branch, killing enemies as you go. Eventually, you’ll come across another set of plates. Take your positions and fight the enemies that spawn. Here, you’ll need to split up again, with Light going right and left going Dark. Kill your enemies and then step on your plates when they appear. Do this with your ally and you’ll eventually regroup at the top. Defeat the final set of foes, including two Tormentors, to reach the boss room.

Part 3: Expector Selin and Yemiq boss fight, clock puzzle

The boss fight with the double Subjugators will ask you to do what you’ve done in the other two encounters here, but with a slight twist. You’ll add 10 more minutes for the final time here.

First, take down the initial health bar for the Stasis Subjugator, Selin. When it goes immune, spread out and you’ll each find a Taken Wizard that matches your alignment. Kill it to gain the ability to either see symbols above the boss’ immunity shield or see crystals scattered around the arena. If you can see the symbols on the boss, read what they are top to bottom. If you can see the crystals, shoot them in order based on what your ally reads to break the boss’ shield. Beat on Expector Selin until you reach the final third of its health bar.

Image: Bungie via Polygon

When Selin retreats again, you’ll need to battle Expector Yemix, the Strand Subjugator. Take its health bar down a third until it immunes itself. Find the Wizards again and kill them so you can break Yemiq’s shield and take its health bar down to a third.

Once you’ve caused both bosses to retreat, you’ll need to revisit the Crux mechanic again. Kill your aligned Wizard when it spawns and run over to the side of the arena, opposite to where your ally is. This time you’ll see four dark lines appear for about 10 seconds before they change. Your partner will also be able to see four dark lines, although three of them will be different from yours. The idea is the same as before, you need to shoot the one you both can see.

Image: Bungie via Polygon

The difference here is that this Crux formation is shaped exactly like a clock, so try using callouts that range from noon through 11. Quickly shoot your matching Crux to free the bosses. Take them both down to stop the timer and almost complete the mission…

Should you choose Prepare for battle or Peace?

When you proceed into the next room, you’ll see the class items. Go stand on your plates to proceed. Instead of getting a reward, Savathun will trap and kill you. You’ll respawn back in the arena with two choices: Prepare for Battle or Peace.

Image: Bungie via Polygon

This section is impossible to do wrong, so I won’t spoil it for you. Make the same choice as your ally to continue forward. However, if it’s both of your first times doing the mission, I highly recommend picking battle.

When you finish this section, you’ll actually earn your reward, a randomly rolled Exotic class item that combines the powers of two Exotics into one.

How to farm more Exotic class items in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie via Polygon

Once you do the “Dual Destiny” mission once, you technically never need to do it again, even if you want to get more Exotic class items. If you visit Ghost in The Lost City, he’ll show you that you can now earn additional Exotic class items by opening any chest in The Pale Heart.

The drop rate here is about one per hour, at least if you’re just exploring The Pale Heart naturally or running Overthrow for Motes of Light and Khvostov or Ergo Sum.

However, the fastest way to get more rolls of your class item is to run “Dual Destiny” with a friend again. Now that you know what to do, you can get through these runs very quickly.

What perks can roll on each Exotic class item in Destiny 2?

Image: Bungie via Polygon

Each of the class items — Essentialism for Hunters, Stoicism for Titans, and Solipsism for Warlocks — can roll with a handful of Exotic traits from other armor pieces. You’ll get one trait in the left column and one in the right. Note that while these aren’t the full traits as you know them on their original Exotics, they’re typically the most iconic effects — Spirit of the Synthoceps makes you punch a lot harder, for example, but won’t increase your Super damage. It’s also worth noting that these Exotics only work if you’re using Prismatic .

There are a ton of desirable combinations for every class, and some can make-or-break your Prismatic build. Below, we’ve listed out the full perk list for each Exotic, which should help you plan out exactly what you’re going for.

Essentialism Exotic Hunter Cloak

First column perk and description Second column perk and description
First column perk and description Second column perk and description
Spirit of the Assassin: Finishers and powered melee final blows grant invisibility. Spirit of the Star-Eater: While your Super energy is full, picking up an Orb of Power overcharges your Super, granting it bonus damage.
Spirit of the Inmost Light: Using an ability empowers the other two abilities granting them improved energy regeneration. Spirit of the Synthoceps: Improved melee damage when you’re surrounded.
Spirit of the Ophidian: Weapons ready very quickly. Spirit of Verity: Weapon final blows with a damage type matching your grenade grant a stacking grenade damage bonus.
Spirit of the Dragon: Using your class ability reloads all weapons and increases weapon handling speeds for a brief time. Spirit of the Cyrtarachne: Gain Woven Mail when you use your grenade.
Spirit of Galanor: Hits and final blows with your Super will return Super energy after it ends. Spirit of Gyrfalcon: Your Void weapons gain Volatile Rounds after you emerge from being invisible.
Spirit of Foetracer: Damaging a powerful combatant or Guardian with an ability grants you a temporary damage bonus for weapons matching that abilitiy’s element. Spirit of the Liar: Dealing damage with a powered melee or being hit by a melee attack will allow you to follow up with an extremely powerful melee counterpunch.
Spirit of Caliban: Powered melee final blows trigger an ignition. Spirit of the Wormhusk: Dodging gives a small health and shield bump.
Spirit of Renewal: Allies inside the Duskfield take reduced damage, and targets inside the area deal reduced damage. Spirit of the Coyote: Gain an additional class ability charge.

Stoicism Exotic Titan Mark

First column perk and description Second column perk and description
First column perk and description Second column perk and description
Spirit of the Assassin: Finishers and powered melee final blows grant invisibility. Spirit of the Star-Eater: While your Super energy is full, picking up an Orb of Power overcharges your Super, granting it bonus damage.
Spirit of the Inmost Light: Using an ability empowers the other two abilities granting them improved energy regeneration. Spirit of the Synthoceps: Improved melee damage when you’re surrounded.
Spirit of the Ophidian: Weapons ready very quickly. Spirit of Verity: Weapon final blows with a damage type matching your grenade grant a stacking grenade damage bonus.
Spirit of Severance: Powered melee or finisher final blows unleash a damaging explosion. Spirit of Contact: Damaging a target with a powered melee causes all nearby enemies to suffer lightning strikes and become jolted.
Spirit of Hoarfrost: Your Barricade becomes a wall of Stasis crystals that slow nearby targets when created. Spirit of Scars: Final blows with weapons that have a damage type matching your Super’s element create a burst of healing around you that grants allies restoration.
Spirit of the Eternal Warrior: Gain a damage bonus for weapons matching your Super’s element when your Super ends. Spirit of the Horn: Your Barricade unleashes a blast of Solar energy that scorches targets.
Spirit of the Abeyant: Improves Drengr’s Lash. Drengr’s Lash projectiles track targets more aggressively and travel further. Spirit of Alpha Lupi: Generates a healing pulse when Barricade is activated.
Spirit of the Bear: Move faster while guarding with the Unbreakable shield. Damage blocked with Unbreakable is converted to Super energy. Spirit of the Armamentarium: Gain an additional grenade charge.

Solipsism Exotic Warlock Bond

First column perk and description Second column perk and description
First column perk and description Second column perk and description
Spirit of the Assassin: Finishers and powered melee final blows grant invisibility. Spirit of the Star-Eater: While your Super energy is full, picking up an Orb of Power overcharges your Super, granting it bonus damage.
Spirit of the Inmost Light: Using an ability empowers the other two abilities granting them improved energy regeneration. Spirit of the Synthoceps: Improved melee damage when you’re surrounded.
Spirit of the Ophidian: Weapons ready very quickly. Spirit of Verity: Weapon final blows with a damage type matching your grenade grant a stacking grenade damage bonus.
Spirit of the Stag: Your Rift provides damage reduction to allied Guardians standing in it. Spirit of Vesper: Rifts periodically release Arc shockwaves.
Spirit of the Filaments: Casting an empowering rift will grant you Devour. Spirit of Harmony: Final blows with weapons that have a damage type matching your Super’s element grant you Super energy.
Spirit of the Necrotic: Damaging combatants with your melee poisons them. Defeating a poisoned enemy spreads the condition. Spirit of Starfire: Grenades recharge from empowered weapon damage, with empowered weapon final blows granting more energy.
Spirit of Smiomancy: Your grenades recharge quicker on hits. The seeker spawned from Coldsnap grenades travels further. Spirit of the Swarm: Destroying a Tangle spawns Threadlings.
Spirit of Apotheosis: Temporarily gain greatly increased melee regen after your Super ends. Spirit of the Claw: Gain an additional melee charge.

Ready to put your Exotic Prismatic class item to the test? Dive into the Salvation’s Edge raid to take on The Witness.