Ahead of its big Sinnoh event, Pokémon Go is hosting a “Road to Sinnoh” event, full of all sorts of perks and research to complete from Feb. 19-23.
This event comes with two paid pass options, each for $4.99: “Road to Sinnoh: Hatch” and “Road to Sinnoh: Raids.” Buying the raid pass unlocks a specific set of Timed Research that rewards XL Candy for Giratina, Cresselia, Heatran, and Darkrai, as well as increased candy and XP from raids. The hatching pass also unlocks a Timed Research set that rewards the regional Pokémon Chatot, Pachirisu, and Carnivine, as well as doubles the XP, candy, and Stardust you get from hatching eggs.
As usual, keep in mind that these are Timed Research and you only have until when the event ends on Feb. 23 to complete them. If you do plan on grinding out eggs and raids, the hatching pass may be worth if you still need those regional Pokémon.
Even if you don’t buy a pass, you’ll still have access to a Timed Research set that rewards the above listed legendary Pokémon and Darkrai from doing raids. All players will also be able to take advantage of halved Incubator walk distance and an increase in the daily Remote Raid Pass limit (up to 10) during the event.
There’s also a Special Research set that also goes by “Road to Sinnoh,” though this started appearing for players days before the event started.
Below, we list out all the perks associated with the “Road to Sinnoh” Pokémon Go event.
Pokémon Go ‘Road to Sinnoh’ event Timed Research
‘Road to Sinnoh: Raid Challenge’ step 1 of 1
This research is free and available to every player during the event period.
- Win 2 raids (Cresselia encounter)
- Win 4 raids (Heatran encounter)
- Win 6 raids (Origin Forme Giratina encounter)
- Win 8 raids (Darkrai encounter)
Rewards: 5 Dialga Candy, 5 Palkia Candy, 5 Giratina Candy
‘Road to Sinnoh: Hatch’ step 1 of 1
This research is part of the $4.99 “Road to Sinnoh: Hatch” pass.
- Hatch an egg (Chatot encounter)
- Hatch 2 eggs (Pachirisu encounter)
- Hatch 3 eggs (Carnivine encounter)
- Hatch 4 eggs (Chatot encounter)
- Hatch 5 eggs (Pachirisu encounter)
- Hatch 6 eggs (Carnivine encounter)
Rewards: Pikachu Mask
‘Road to Sinnoh: Raid’ step 1 of 1
This research is part of the $4.99 “Road to Sinnoh: Raids” pass.
- Win 2 raids (5 Cresselia Candy XL)
- Win 4 raids (5 Heatran Candy XL)
- Win 6 raids (5 Giratina Candy XL)
- Win 8 raids (5 Darkrai Candy XL)
Rewards: Eevee Mask

Pokémon Go ‘Road to Sinnoh’ event Field Research
Spinning a PokéStop during the event period may yield one of these tasks:
- Hatch an egg (10 Poké Balls)
- Hatch 2 eggs (10 Great Balls)
- Hatch 3 eggs (1 Sinnoh Stone or 10 Ultra Balls)
- Spin 10 PokéStops or gyms (10 Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup Candy)
Pokémon Go ‘Road to Sinnoh’ event boosted spawns
The following Pokémon spawn more often during the event:
- Turtwig
- Grotle
- Chimchar
- Monferno
- Piplup
- Prinplup
Pokémon Go ‘Road to Sinnoh’ 2 km egg hatches
These Pokémon will hatch out of 2 km eggs obtained during the event:
- Budew
- Chingling
- Bonsly
- Happiny
- Munchlax
- Riolu
- Mantyke
Pokémon Go ‘Road to Sinnoh’ event raid targets
These Pokémon will appear as raid targets in gyms during the event period:
- Turtwig (1-star)
- Chimchar (1-star)
- Piplup (1-star)
- Grotle (3-star)
- Monferno (3-star)
- Prinplup (3-star)
- Darkrai (5-star) (Feb. 19)
- Cresselia (5-star) (Feb. 20)
- Uxie (5-star) (Feb. 21)
- Mesprit (5-star) (Feb. 21)
- Azelf (5-star) (Feb. 21)
- Heatran (5-star) (Feb. 22)
- Origin Forme Giratina (5-star) (Feb. 23)