From March 21-25, Pokémon Go has a ticket in the shop to unlock Special Research that rewards Zarude, the mythical monkey Pokémon. For $7.99, you can buy the “Rogue of the Jungle” ticket, which gives a five-step research set that does not expire.
This ticketed research launched alongside the “Verdant Wonders” event.
It can be tough to figure out if it’s worth forking over the money to get this pass, so we break it down and list out all the “Rogue of the Jungle” steps below.
Is the ‘Rogue of the Jungle’ Zarude ticket worth it in Pokémon Go?
Here’s a quick and dirty list of everything you get for completing the research:
- A Zarude encounter
- A Seedot encounter
- A Galarian Zigzagoon encounter
- A Cacnea encounter
- A Scraggy encounter
- An Absol encounter
- 10 Ultra Balls
- 10 Great Balls
- 20 Poké Balls
- 4 Golden Razz Berries
- 6 Silver Pinap Berries
- 10 Razz Berries
- 5 Hyper Potions
- 5 Revives
- 2 Fast TMs
- 2 Charge TMs
- 1 Incense
- 2 Premium Raid Passes
- 5 Rare Candy
- 10 Zarude Candy
- 3 Zarude Candy XL
- 3,000 Stardust
- 3,000 XP
You also get special, boosted Incense spawns in the “Verdant Wonders” event for Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, Zorua, Cutiefly, and Flabébé specifically.
All of that said, you will get your money’s worth in stuff back from the $7.99 pass if you finish it all. There’s no time limit or anything, so you can take your time, too.
I think this pass is specifically worth it if you still need a Zarude (or you want a second one). Zarude is a Mythical Pokémon, meaning it’s only usually available from special distribution events that go away after a certain period of time. That said, this means Zarude is particularly valuable on the trading market — even more so with the Pokémon Go seal on it, since that little emblem is unable to be generated by cheating sources (as of this writing, at least).
Pokémon Go ‘Rogue of the Jungle’ Special Research and rewards
Step 1 of 5
- Complete 5 Field Research tasks (2 Silver Pinap Berries)
- Catch 25 grass-type Pokémon (Seedot encounter)
- Evolve 3 grass-type Pokémon (20 Poké Balls)
Rewards: 1,000 Stardust, 10 Razz Berries, 2 Fast TMs
Step 2 of 5
- Explore 5 km (2 Golden Razz Berries)
- Catch 20 dark-type Pokémon (Galarian Zigzagoon encounter)
- Evolve 3 dark-type Pokémon (10 Great Balls)
Rewards: 1,000 XP, 5 Hyper Potions, 2 Charge TMs
Step 3 of 5
- Spin 25 PokéStops or gyms (2 Silver Pinap Berries)
- Power up 5 grass-type Pokémon (Cacnea encounter)
- Make an excellent throw (10 Ultra Balls)
Rewards: 1,000 Stardust, 5 Revives, 1 Incense
Step 4 of 5
- Use 5 supereffective charged attacks (2 Golden Razz Berries)
- Power up 5 dark-type Pokémon (Scraggy encounter)
- Use 10 berries to help catch Pokémon (5 Rare Candy)
Rewards: 1,000 XP, 2 Premium Raid Passes, 1,000 Stardust
Step 5 of 5
- Win 3 raids (2 Silver Pinap Berries)
- Catch 15 different species of Pokémon (Absol encounter)
- Defeat 5 Team Go Rocket grunts (10 Zarude Candy)
Rewards: 1,000 Stardust, Zarude encounter, 3 Zarude Candy XL