The newest No Man’s Sky update is called Omega, and it’s designed to bring lapsed players back into the game. Omega is accompanied by a free weekend, which runs from Feb. 15 until Feb. 19.
The first big feature of Omega is an Omega expedition. Originally, expeditions were featured as a mode that ran parallel to the main game, tasking players with achieving certain challenges during a time-limited season. Expeditions are now integrated into the main game, allowing a player to join an expedition with all of their best loot, and return back to the main save with all the goodies they earn.
The Omega update also brings additions to older content. There are new on-planet missions that are “specific to an alien lifeforms locale, climate and personality,” new content added to the main Atlas story, and a new pirate dreadnought to confront and eventually own.
After nearly eight years and over 25 updates, it’s exciting to see No Man’s Sky still trucking along with free patches — and ones that are designed to entice new players, at that. As someone who’s fallen off the game, I find myself intrigued to check out some of those new ships and perhaps check out the expedition for one of those neat new starships.